Back clear cover with Cellularline Clear Duo protective frame for Apple iPhone 13

Back clear cover with Cellularline Clear Duo protective frame for Apple iPhone 13


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Produkt bude dodán do28.06.2024 
The Clear Duo back cover is completely transparent, consisting of two materials that form a very strong structure and a rubber frame. The frame exceeds the thickness of the phone, so it also protects the display if you place the phone face down. The Clear

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Description of product:

The Clear Duo back cover is completely transparent, consisting of two materials that form a very strong structure and a rubber frame. The frame exceeds the thickness of the phone, so it also protects the display if you place the phone face down. The Clear Duo cover is very discreet, it does not obscure the original design of the phone, on the contrary, it gives it a distinctive look and the phone looks particularly elegant. This cover is an ideal accessory that perfectly protects the back and edges as well as the display of your phone.

-back cover
-rubber frame
-consists of two materials which form a very strong structure
-does not increase the size of the phone or damage its original design
-Made exactly to measure the given phone
-protection against mechanical damage to the phone and against dirt
-convenient operation without having to take the phone out of the cover
-gives your phone an impressive look
-compatible with wireless charging




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