FIXED Tiny Wallet, brown

FIXED Tiny Wallet, brown
Czech hand made


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Hand-sewn minimalist wallet made of the highest quality cowhide that fits easily in your pocket. Nowadays, smartphones no longer need a bloated wallet full of discount cards and receipts. The most important thing in FIXED Tiny Wallet - a credit card, a ci

Product details


Description of product:

Hand-sewn minimalist wallet made of the highest quality cowhide that fits easily in your pocket. Nowadays, smartphones no longer need a bloated wallet full of discount cards and receipts. The most important thing in FIXED Tiny Wallet - a credit card, a citizen's card and a few banknotes.

Genuine Leather
Tiny Wallet is a Czech product that is created completely stitch by stitch in the Prostějov sewing workshop with a long tradition. Handmade, emphasis on quality and precision and genuine cowhide give rise to a wallet that will serve you faithfully for many years. FIXED Tiny Wallet is made of the highest quality genuine Italian Torcello leather, is fragrant and pleasant to the touch, and also matures like wine over time. Thanks to genuine leather, the wallet acquires a unique patina, which emphasizes the character of the natural material and creates an original piece from each product.

- leather mini wallet
- hand sewn with love in Prostějov
- material: quality genuine Italian cowhide Torcello
- each piece has a unique look
- over time it acquires an unmistakable patina
- ideal pocket size
- elastic pocket for credit cards + pocket for banknotes
- made completely in the Czech Republic
- wallet dimensions: 8.7 x 5.8 cm




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