FIXED Zen 20 Pro with LCD display and 130W output, 20,000 mAh, gray

FIXED Zen 20 Pro with LCD display and 130W output, 20,000 mAh, gray


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The FIXED Zen 20 Pro power bank with a high output of up to 130 W and fast charging in the Power Delivery 3.0 standard can replace even the most powerful mains charger and is thus a great companion on the go. The power bank has one USB-A and two USB-C por

Product details


Description of product:

The FIXED Zen 20 Pro power bank with a high output of up to 130 W and fast charging in the Power Delivery 3.0 standard can replace even the most powerful mains charger and is thus a great companion on the go. The power bank has one USB-A and two USB-C ports, which can be used to charge up to three devices simultaneously. When the connection is combined, the power is divided between the used ports, where one USB-C port always remains with a power of up to 100 W for charging MacBooks, laptops and other devices with high energy requirements. With a full capacity of 20,000 mAh, the power bank will last you a long time. The LCD display informs you of the exact status with an overview of the current use of individual outputs and the battery status, so that you can always keep the powerbank fully charged. The power bank itself is recharged via the USB-C port with a power of up to 60 W and is ready again in hours. With the FIXED Zen 20 Pro power bank, you can go anywhere with the confidence that it will provide you with enough energy for both adventure trips and your work trips.

- power bank with high performance and ultra-fast charging
- capacity: 20,000 mAh
- power: 130 W
- output: 2x USB-C + 1x USB-A
- Power Delivery 3.0 support
- for charging laptops, smartphones, tablets and other devices
- charging up to three devices simultaneously
- LCD display for displaying individual outputs and battery status
- charging the power bank using the USB-C port 60 W
- fast charging of the power bank within 2 hours
- USB-C cable 100 W included in the package
- protection against short circuit, overload and overheating
- the product meets all EU legal and safety standards

Technical details:
- capacity: 20,000 mAh/3.7V 74 Wh
- battery type: Li-Ion
- power: 130 W
- ports: 2x USB-C, 1x USB-A
- input: USB-C 1: 5V/3A, 9V/3A, 12V/3A, 15V/3A, 20V/5A, MAX 60W
- output:
- USB-C1: 5V/3A, 9V/3A, 12V/3A, 15V/3A, 20V/5A, MAX 100W
- USB-C2: 5V/3A, 9V/3A, 12V/2.5A, MAX 30W
- USB-A: 5V/3A, 9V/2A, 12V/1.5A, 5V/4.5A, 4.5V/5A, MAX 22.5W
- connection combination:
- USB-C1+USB-C2: 100W+30W
- USB-C1+USB-A: 100W+22.5W
- USB-C2+USB-A: (5V/3A)15W
- USB-C1+USB-C2+USB-A: 65W+(5V/3A)15W
- dimensions: 133 x 25 x 83 mm
- weight: 391 g




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FIXZENP-20_manual_web.pdf:  FIXZENP-20_manual_web.pdf

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