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Nikola Suchá


FIXED FIT for Lenovo K8 Plus, red

FIXED FIT for Lenovo K8 Plus, red
Czech hand made


Part No.FIXFIT-248-RD
% 0Hand-sewn FIXED FIT book case has a perfect shape, thanks to which the mobile phone is stably held in the case and is made exactly to measure the phone. FIXED FIT cases are completely manufactured in the Czech Republic. The front flip cover protects th

Product details


Description of product:

% 0Hand-sewn FIXED FIT book case has a perfect shape, thanks to which the mobile phone is stably held in the case and is made exactly to measure the phone. FIXED FIT cases are completely manufactured in the Czech Republic. The front flip cover protects the display and the entire case provides complete protection for your phone against mechanical damage and dirt. Access to all controls and slots is quick and easy without having to take out your phone. Closing the case is magnetic. Available in several color variations to choose from.

-Book case
-material: PU leather
-Made exactly to measure for the given phone
-access to all controls and slots
-absorbs shocks well
-protection against mechanical damage to the phone and against dirt
-closing on magnet
-made in the Czech Republic




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Czech hand made:  czech_hand_made

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