Holder for atypical (non-tube) Interphone handlebars suitable for selected cases of the SM series

Holder for atypical (non-tube) Interphone handlebars suitable for selected cases of the SM series


Part No.SSC
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Universal strap for placing CellularLine Interphone cases. Suitable for fixing the case on thicker handlebars of scooters or motorcycles. The design firmly holds the housing in position, at the same time no tools are needed for assembly.

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Universal strap for placing CellularLine Interphone cases. Suitable for fixing the case on thicker handlebars of scooters or motorcycles with a circumference of up to 50 cm. The design firmly holds the case in the given position, at the same time no tools are needed for assembly. The holder is rotatable by 360°




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Pouzdra CellularLine Interphone SM


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