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Nikola Poláková


FIXED Story TPU Back Cover for Samsung Galaxy Note10, clear

FIXED Story TPU Back Cover for Samsung Galaxy Note10, clear


Part No.FIXTCC-429
Ghe FIXED case is a simple yet effective protection for your smartphone. It is made of TPU material, which protects the sides and back of the device from scratches, dust and possible falls. The fully transparent design makes the original design of your mo

Product details


Description of product:

Ghe FIXED case is a simple yet effective protection for your smartphone. It is made of TPU material, which protects the sides and back of the device from scratches, dust and possible falls. The fully transparent design makes the original design of your mobile phone stand out. The case is made exactly to measure for the device, it does not cover charging or headphone connectors. The edges of the case slightly protrude beyond the display and thus protect it from scratches, but for maximum protection of the phone, it is advisable to add a case to the display glass.

-TPU case exactly tailored to the phone
-protection against scratches, dust and falls
-fully transparent
-slightly protruding edges of the case to protect the display
-does not cover the charging or headphone jacks
-anti-slip design
-easy to apply




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