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Nikola Suchá


FIXED Sense, red

FIXED Sense, red


FIXED Sense is a revolutionary multifunctional tag that guards your personal belongings while serving as a programmable controller for your smart home. This smart pendant works as a Bluetooth locator, which in cooperation with your phone protects and moni

Product details


Description of product:

FIXED Sense is a revolutionary multifunctional tag that guards your personal belongings while serving as a programmable controller for your smart home. This smart pendant works as a Bluetooth locator, which in cooperation with your phone protects and monitors everything you need - keys, wallet, backpack and anything else. In addition to the classic locators, it also offers a temperature, humidity sensor and a pair of programmable buttons that you can use, for example, to control Phillips Hue smart lighting. You can set everything in the smart FIXED SMART application on your iOS or Android device.

Are you constantly losing and forgetting important things? Pin Sense to your keys, wallet or other personal items and you can ring a smart pendant at any time using the app on your phone. It alerts you with a loud ringtone or a discreet flash. It can also sound if you move away from the Bluetooth range of the thing to be monitored and, for example, point out a wallet forgotten at home on the table when you leave for work.

When activated, the motion sensor alerts you with an alarm and notification on the phone whenever the pendant moves. All you have to do is put Sense in your luggage or attach it to a bike or motorcycle, and every time anyone moves with the thing, the app on your phone will alert you. It can also record movement changes on a disconnected Sense and track exactly when the tag was moved.

Sensors hidden in the smart Sense tag inform you about the ambient temperature and humidity when you turn on the measurement in the application on your phone or tablet. Set the ideal interval in which the values ??should move and Sense will notify you if the set values ??are exceeded. For example, it guards the ideal temperature in your bedroom or makes sure that the flowers in the living room do not suffer from the dry air. The measured Sense values ??are recorded over time and then everything is clearly displayed in the SMART application using a graph.

CONTROLS A pair of programmable buttons makes the Sense tag a revolutionary device. In conjunction with smart Phillips Hue lighting, Sense can control individual light bulbs in your home. Thanks to the constant development of the FIXED SMART application, you can look forward to expanding the offer of compatible products from the smart home.

Czech application
The FIXED SMART application allows you to conveniently set, monitor and control all active Sense tags on your device. It is completely developed in the Czech Republic, supports phones and tablets with the iOS and Android operating systems, and is compatible with Apple Watch and SIRI. The application is constantly improved based on the customer experience, and thanks to automatic updates, the functions of your Sense are continuously improved.

FIXED Sense Features:
- multifunctional Bluetooth tag
- protects and guards your important things
- analyzes and controls your smart home
- Czech application FIXED SMART

- SMART BUTTONS: for setting up control of Sense functions and smart home devices
- SINGLE / DOUBLE / TRIPPLE / LONG CLICK: a total of 12 adjustable combinations of the number of presses and the left / right button
- RANGE MONITORING: when activated, notifies you if you are away from Sense with your phone
- START BEEPING: after starting in the application, Sense will sound a loud beep
- START FLASHING: after starting in the application, Sense discreetly warns itself by flashing the LED diode
- MOTION SENSOR: when activated, notifies whenever Sense moves
- RADAR: shows how far you are from Sense. The closer you are, the greener the radar.
- TEMPERATURE: measures and shows the temperature of the environment in which Sense is used. It mo




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