FIXED Verona, light yellow

FIXED Verona, light yellow
Czech hand made


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The elegant bag FIXED Verona is a practical accessory for your phone and other essentials. The main pocket is designed for most mobile phones with a diagonal of up to 7" and thus provides enough space even for phones equipped with a cover. A smaller

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Description of product:

The elegant bag FIXED Verona is a practical accessory for your phone and other essentials. The main pocket is designed for most mobile phones with a diagonal of up to 7" and thus provides enough space even for phones equipped with a cover. A smaller pocket is ideal for cards, documents or banknotes, which is discreetly hidden on the other side of the bag when worn. Each piece is handmade made in our Prostejov workshop from high quality Saffiano leather, which is characterized by diagonal hatching. This makes the material resistant to scratches and other damage. The bag is equipped with a fixed cord for variable wearing the color shade of the bag complements any outfit and immediately becomes an indispensable companion, whether you are going out into the city or on a trip.

- universal phone bag with two pockets
- handmade with love in Prostějov
- main pocket for phones with a diagonal of up to 7"
- second pocket for cards or banknotes
- leatherette with Saffiano design - scratch-resistant diagonal hatching
- the surface is pleasant to the touch
- the possibility of inserting a phone with a cover
- adjustable cord for carrying over the shoulder or crossbody
- made in Czech Republic
- bag dimensions: 11 x 18 cm
- cord length: up to 74 cm




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