Interphone RIDESYNC - Apple carplay/android auto moto display

Interphone RIDESYNC - Apple carplay/android auto moto display


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Using the Ridesync system with "Carplay" and "Android Auto" you can use your phone to the maximum on the motorcycle. Thanks to the Ridesync display, these technologies are integrated into your motorcycle, so you can control the most im

Product details


Description of product:

Using the Ridesync system with "Carplay" and "Android Auto" you can use your phone to the maximum on the motorcycle. Thanks to the Ridesync display, these technologies are integrated into your motorcycle, so you can control the most important functions of your phone at a glance with maximum simplicity and safety. A simplified interface designed for a wide range of applications optimized for use on a motorcycle: music, podcasts, maps and more. Enhance your motorcycle with an efficient infotainment system, perfectly synchronized with your Apple or Android smartphone. Versatile and quick installation thanks to the Quiklox system, which provides immediate access to the device.

Technical Specifications:
- Wireless phone connection using Bluetooth and WiFi technology
- Ultra thin design
- 5.5 inch ultra-bright touchscreen with capacitive touch, suitable for use with gloves
- Quiklox mounting system for maximum ease of installation
- Waterproof class IP66
- 12V power supply




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