FIXED Voyager World Adapter, 1xUSB-C/2xUSB, GaN, 30W, white

FIXED Voyager World Adapter, 1xUSB-C/2xUSB, GaN, 30W, white


Part No.FIXCT30-1C2A-WH
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The FIXED Travel Adapter is a universal charger that you can use in a power outlet anywhere in the world. It's the perfect accessory for those who spend time travelling abroad, but also a handy helper for a one-off holiday. Using the pull-out charging pin

Product details


Description of product:

The FIXED Travel Adapter is a universal charger that you can use in a power outlet anywhere in the world. It's the perfect accessory for those who spend time travelling abroad, but also a handy helper for a one-off holiday. Using the pull-out charging pins, the charger adapts to EU, US, British Standard countries (Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth countries) and most sockets in other countries around the world. It also offers a universal input to the charger itself, which you can use, for example, when using a device bought with a foreign charging plug in Czech sockets. Compared to classic travel adapters, the FIXED adapter also works as a standalone charger with USB-C and 2 x USB-A connectors with a total power of 30W. So you can charge up to 3 devices simultaneously. On the go, you will appreciate the pocket size of the adapter. Of course, there is safety protection against overheating, overvoltage and short circuit.

- Universal travel adapter and charger
- adjustable fork: EU standard (Type C), British standard (Type G), US/Japan standard (Type A), Australian/Chinese standard (Type I) and Types B, E, F, J, L, N
- Universal adapter input
- also suitable for use of foreign appliances in the EU
- usable as a stand-alone charger
- charger connectors: USB-C + 2xUSB-A
- charger power: 30W
- replaceable fuse in the adapter
- multiple safety protection
- product meets all EU legal and safety standards

Technical details:
- Compatible socket types: A, B, C, E, F, G, I, J, L, N
- operating voltage: 100 - 250 V, 50/60 Hz
- max. current/power: 10 A/2500 W
- USB-C standalone output: 5V/3A, 9V/3A, 12V/2.5A, 15V/2A, 20V/1.5A
- USB-A standalone output: 5V/2.4A Max
- USB-C shared output: 5V/3A, 9V/2.22A, 12V/1.67A
- USB-A shared output: 5V/2.4A (total), 2.4A Max (single port)
- Dimensions: 70 x 50 x 54 mm
- Weight: 148g




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